Thank you to TRTWorld for interviewing Breaking The Brand’s Founder, Lynn Johnson, as part of their coverage of SA rhino horn auction, August 2017. |
Thank you to The Wire for interviewing Breaking The Brand’s Founder, Lynn Johnson, as part of their coverage of SA rhino horn auction, August 2017. |
Thank you to USAid for inviting BTB’s Founder, Lynn Johnson to present at their Conference on Innovations in Counter Wildlife Trafficking, Bangkok, March 2017. |
Presentation by BTB team Lynn Johnson and Hayley Vella. |
Breaking The Brand was delighted to be featured in the November 2016 edition of BBC Wildlife Magazine |
Thank you to the team at African Wildlife Safaris for featuring Breaking The Brand in its latest edition. |
Thank you to Emma and the team at Freedom of Species for inviting Breaking The Brand Founder, Lynn Johnson, to speak about the project. |
Thank you to the New Scientist team for enabling BTB to be a part of this important debate. |
Thank you to Frank and the team at dm Forum for the opportunity to introduce BTB concepts and campaigns to Melbourne marketing and media specialists. |
Presentation, by Lynn Johnson, at a symposium on the luxury industry and luxury brands at the University of Melbourne, 29th September 2016.
Thank you to Nicholas Duncan and the SARF team for inviting me to give a talk to SARF members at Perth Zoo, February 24, 2016. |
Article in the Ballarat Courier April 6, 2016. |
Article, written by BTB Founder Dr. Lynn Johnson, published in Viet Nam Investment Review Feb 22, 2016. |
Thank you to Virgin Unite and Jamie Joseph @savingthewild for featuring BTB in a January 2016 article on game changers that could end rhino poaching. |
Breaking The Brand’s Founder, Lynn Johnson, was recently invited to give a talk at Melbourne University Veterinary School. |
Public talk given by Lynn Johnson at our recent fundraising event with author Tony Park. |
The Breaking The Brand team is delighted that the project has been profiled in the May 2015 Edition of the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums Magazine. |
Founder of BTB, Dr. Lynn Johnson, very much appreciates the profile given to our project in the latest SARF newsletter. |

The Breaking The Brand team is delighted that the project has been profiled in the April 2015 Edition of the Journal of the American Association of Zoo Keepers. |

Thank you to Dr. Tammie Matson, Conservationist and Co-Founder of the ‘Let Elephants be Elephants’, for profiling Breaking The Brand in her recent blog. Tammie’s ongoing interest and support is much appreciated by the BTB team. |

The team at Breaking The Brand was very excited that the project was featured in an E-News Flash of the World Association of Zoos & Aquariums online newsletter. |

A big thank you to one of our volunteers in New Zealand, Jane Riley, for all her work on behalf of rhinos and Breaking The Brand. |

Thank you to Margrit Harris and the team from Nikela for all their encouragement and support. |
Breaking The Brand’s Founder, Lynn Johnson, gave a talk at the recent UNODC workshop on wildlife crime in Bangkok. |
Breaking The Brand project features in South African news celebrating Thandi’s pregnancy: |
Breaking The Brands Founder, Lynn Johnson, features in article demonstrating how people can get involved in wildlife conservation: |
The latest SAVE Foundation newsletter gives an update on Breaking the Brand:
ALERT Environmental Network features Breaking the Brand in a recent blog post: |
Lynn did a short interview with Tom Elliot on 3AW Radio in Melbourne on May 8, 2014 |
The Guardian features an article specifically about our project! |
We get a mention as one of the worthy causes to support in this article in the Daily Telegraph |