Your Challenge Should You Choose To Accept It….
As part of the World Games For Wildlife, we have created a 24 Hour Rhino Fundraising Challenge, for World Rhino Day, on the 22nd of September 2021.
Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to get one person, a family member, friend, fellow student or colleague, who has NEVER before made a donation to wildlife conservation to give something to the event.
Obviously, it will be easier to ask them to support the event if you have already made a donation to the 24 Hour Rhino Fundraising Challenge.
So why is this a challenge? Currently only 3% of non-government donations go to the environment and animals. Yes, 3% and much of that is to dog and cat homes, so even less goes to wildlife conservation. And this hasn’t changed much over the years.
Over 90% people give to human causes (health, education, social justice), and a few percent goes to art and culture (which is also a human cause).
So your challenge is to have a conversation with at least 1 person, get then thinking about the conservation crisis and what they can do. The first small step is for them to make a donation (or match your donation) to the WGFW 24 Hour Rhino Fundraising Challenge for World Rhino Day 2021
To solve the current extinction crisis, we need more people to care, take notice and help by making donations.
Nature certainly takes care of us and, now, it is time for more of us to take care of nature.
Are you up for the 24 Hour Rhino Fundraising Challenge?
Our wildlife teammates need all our help. Join us, in taking this one small step…for wildlife.

Register For World Games For Wildlife 2021 – Cabin Fever Lockdown
As much of the world is experiencing rolling lockdowns, this is leaving more-and-more of us feeling a little lonely, bored, sluggish or anxious. Many people feel happier with some structure and routine.
As governments know the importance of physical activity, one of the few reasons we are allowed to leave home, even in the stickiest of lockdowns, is to get some needed (and socially distanced) exercise. This helps people maintain both their physical and mental heath during these uncertain times.
This pandemic is zoonotic in origin and has occurred because of too much human encroachment into the natural world. As animals are traded (legally and illegally) and their habitat is lost, their immune systems are weakened, as they are stressed, and it is easier for them to carry disease. Over the last 18 months it has become very clear how much we are all connected and that we are all in this together, people, wildlife and the planet.
If you are feeling a bit of isolation or would like to get some structure into your days, why not link some activity to helping wildlife. By registering for the World Games For Wildlife you can raise funds to go towards established programs devoted to saving the world’s most endangered animals.
We hope you will join us.
Nature Needs More, Active for Animals and SAVE African Rhino Foundation
The First Step Is The Hardest!

Start Off Small And Grow.

You Will Soon Get Into Your Stride.

Our wildlife teammates need all our help. Join us, in taking one small step…for wildlife.

Register For World Games For Wildlife 2021 – Feel Stronger, Do good!
Nature Needs More, Active for Animals and SAVE African Wildlife Foundation are delighted with the enthusiastic start for WGFW 2021.
A number of events have already been registered and it is clear that people can see that they can have some fun with family and friends, and improve their personal well-being, all at the same time as helping wildlife and the natural world.
And it couldn’t be a better time to register and take one small step for wildlife. World Games For Wildlife runs from 1 July 2021 to 31 December 2021, and events can be run at any time, anywhere around the world. You can compete with your friends close to home or host a competition across different countries and continents! How easy is that.
We have created a platform that allows our supporters to create their own fundraising event based on their personal interests and fitness goals. The funds raised will go towards established programs devoted to saving the world’s most endangered animals.
And did you know that nearly a third of people believe their muscles have weakened during the lockdown, as their regular exercise routines were disrupted? This is a worry for the health professionals who are conducting a number of surveys to understand the implications, because muscle loss can lead to long-term problems with balance and mobility, which, in turn, can lead to more serious health conditions.
It is the first step back into exercise that is by far the hardest. Key is to start small and for many people, they need a reason such as a good cause, to pull themselves off the sofa and away from watching Netflix. Why not make your good reason to get moving for World Games For Wildlife? If you have got out of your healthy regular exercise habit during lockdown, we hope you consider registering for the World Games For Wildlife as a way to get your motivation back. And you will be part of a global team (or maybe I should say herd) working to support our wildlife teammates.

Our wildlife teammates need all our help. Join us, in taking one small step…for wildlife.
World Games For Wildlife was canceled in 2020 as a result of the COVID-19 global pandemic, a year like no other in living memory. Current events mean we still cannot predict how the world will look after COVID-19. Over this time it has become very clear how much we are all connected and that we are all in this together, people, wildlife and the planet.
For two decades some of the world’s leading scientists have been expecting such a pandemic. They knew that humans are vulnerable because the line between us and exotic animals has long been breached for trade, both legal and illegal. The result is that out of sight and without any real check a trillion-dollar trade in birds, animals and plants flourishes. All this has happened because too few people are watching. One average, only 3% of non-government donations go to the environment & animals, and only a small amount of this goes to conserving wild animals. World Games For Wildlife has been created because we need your help to change this.

Three wildlife charities, from different parts of the world, have joined forces to relaunch World Games For Wildlife in 2021.
We have created a platform that will enable you to get into action for wildlife and to create your own fundraising event, based on your personal interests or fitness goals. There is no fixed time and you can do something active for wildlife on any day, at any time, anywhere in the world. How simple is that! We hope you will join us in 2021 to make a difference for wildlife, and encourage family, friends and colleagues to support our wildlife teammates.
While World Games For Wildlife officially relaunches on the 1 July 2021, why wait!
Who We Are
Events can be run at any time over the year, anywhere around the world. You can compete with your friends close to home or host a competition across different countries and continents!
To find out more go to www.worldgamesforwildlife.org
Another thing which has become very clear in the last year, and confirmed by research, is that access to nature has been important for mental health during Covid-19 lockdowns. Research showed that people disconnected from nature because of the strictest lockdown policies were more likely to show symptoms of depression and anxiety.
Understanding this was considered so vital that in just one study a team of international researchers from Spain, United Kingdom and Norway invited citizens to voluntarily respond to a simple questionnaire to check their behaviour and mental health status in the face of severe measures that restricted mobility. In less than 20 days, 6,769 people from 77 different countries answered the survey. The main conclusion of the research was that people who were under the strictest lockdown during the first wave of COVID-19, who were only allowed to go out for work or essentials purchases, were more likely to show symptoms compatible with depression and anxiety, compared to countries with more relaxed lockdowns where people could still visit natural places, such as parks.

Nature certainly takes care of us and, now, it is time for more of us to take much more care of nature. With World Games For Wildlife we have created a platform for you to make it easy to take one small step to help wildlife.

Wherever you are in the world, whatever day or time you want and what ever fitness level, we are asking people in cities, towns and villages to do something active or host events for the World Games For Wildlife. Whatever your sport, soccer, rugby, golf, tennis, chess, cricket, dance sport, Aussie rules, baseball, barefoot bowls etc get together family, friends, colleagues and teammates and be a part of this global event. Or maybe you prefer an individual pursuit such as running, swimming, cycling or athletics?
The global pandemic has told us there is no more important time to tackle the root cause of what we have all collectively experienced, namely too little respect for wildlife and the natural world. Register for the World Games For Wildlife and get active to support our wildlife team mates. We are either all in this game together or no one is on the pitch!