Nature Needs More is wholly funded through private donations. We do not apply for any type of government funding.
Nature Needs More Ltd, ABN 85 623 878 428, is a non-profit, public company incorporated in Australia. We are a registered charity in Australia with the ACNC.
Nature Needs More is entirely run by volunteers, so our administrative overheads are minimal. At present, they amount to less than 3% of donations.
If you would like to help us with our projects, you can make a one-off or monthly donation via PayPal. Donations over $2 are tax deductible.
All funds donated will be used in accordance with the established purposes of the organisation and not be influenced by the preference of the donor. The organisation will not pass a donation of money or property to other organisations, bodies or persons as a condition of a donation.
Make a Donation
Nature Needs More is seeking trailblazers, people with the resources to set an example and who wish to demonstrate that we can engage with nature on a balanced footing and that we can undo some of the damage we have already done. We are looking for benefactors who will fund our work to for global system change, such as our project to modernise CITES, in the lead up to the CITES CoP20 in 2025.
For those who may be considering a gift that could work for wildlife in the many years ahead, we hope you feel that the work of Nature Needs More and the passion of the NNM team could support you with your legacy.
As Bob Brown, who has worked tirelessly for the natural world for over 50 years recently said “Not everyone can take significant action for nature on a sustained basis.” And, he continued “If you can’t take action yourself, financially support someone who can.”
We hope you find the Nature Needs More approach and projects provoking and insightful; and would consider supporting our work. Thank you.


If you are interested in becoming a benefactor to support the complex issues Nature Needs More is working on to tackle the trade in endangered species, or you would like to discuss leaving a gift as part of your legacy for wildlife, please contact Lynn on +61 418 124 660.